The Bonn Contact Group on Climate Peace and Security ahead of COP29 brings together professionals, academics and civil society activists from across Europe and beyond who support the process of bringing to the COP29 process the agenda of peace.
The Group was established at the end of the Bonn Dialogue Meeting on Climate Peace and Security, held in Bonn on 3 May 2024. The landmark meeting brought together representatives of the COP28 and COP29 presidencies UAE and Azerbaijan), representatives of think tanks, civil society organisations and academics, and other stakeholders, for a dynamic exchange of views on how to build on the success of COP28 in Dubai, and particularly how to take forward the COP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace. It was felt that what was achieved in Dubai should not be lost and that civil society needs to work with the Azerbaijani presidency of COP29 to consolidate the ideas and take them forward.
Given the vastness of the topic, and the limitation of time and resources, the BCG decided that in between now and November, it will focus on three sub-themes: Food Insecurity, water scarcity and Contamination by remnants of war.
The members of the Bonn Contact Group are organised in three task forces, dealing with the three sub themes. Their job is to prepare reports on the three sub-themes that will help inform discussions and decisions.
• To gather expertise on their topic of interest with a view to preparing, by September 2024, a report of a sufficiently robust level to feed into the discussions of the COP29 meeting.
• To engage with the COP Troika countries and other state and non-state parties on the theme in the run-up to the COP29 in Baku and beyond, and to support the holding of a day of peace within the context of COP29 in November in Baku.
The work of the Bonn Contact Group on Climate Peace and Security ahead of COP29 is co-ordinated by LINKS Europe. The general co-ordinator is Dr Dennis Sammut, Leo Wigger, and Isabelle McRae, who are part of the core team. For more information about the Bonn Contact Group, please contact Maximiliaan van Lange at LINKS Europe (
Welcome to the first update from the Bonn Contact Group on Climate Peace and Security ahead of COP29. This issue highlights the Group's efforts to contribute to the debate on the critical nexus between climate change, peace and security. Stay informed on how the Bonn Contact Group is working to support the process of including the peace agenda in the context of the forthcoming COP29.
In this second update, the Bonn Contact Group on Climate, Peace and Security ahead of COP29 is pleased to introduce the authors and co-authors of the three reports on Food Insecurity, Water Scarcity and Land Contamination and Degradation to be published in October. These reports aim to inform the discussion at and around COP29 in November in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Members of the Bonn Contact Group on Climate Peace and Security ahead of COP29 and others wishing to support the process are invited to contribute to the ongoing work for the preparation of the three reports: Food Insecurity, Water Scarcity and Land Contamination from Remnants of War. The authors, will be pleased to receive from the Bonn Contact Group and others, suggestions on issues that can be incorporated in the reports – both as regards situation analysis, and the preparation of tangible recommendations. Anyone wishing to contribute to this process should send their material to the relevant focal point, namely:
On Food Insecurity – Maja Cortinovis (
On Water Scarcity – Isabelle McRae (
On Land Contamination and Degradation – Alexandra Dumitrescu (
The work of the Bonn Contact Group on Climate Peace and Security ahead of COP29 is coordinated by LINKS Europe. The general coordinators of the Bonn Contact Group are Dr Dennis Sammut, Director of LINKS Europe; Leo Wigger from the Candid Foundation; and Isabelle McRae from Restart Initiative, who are part of the core team. LINKS Europe provides the secretariat and logistical support for the initiative. Around 30 European and international experts have signed up for the contact group. They will be directly involved in the September workshops and in the preparation of the core recommendations on the themes of food insecurity, water scarcity and land contamination. For more information about the Bonn Contact Group, please contact Maximiliaan van Lange at LINKS Europe. (