At a time of great turmoil in the international system, and as war and conflict ravage across the world, including Europe, the work of organisations like LINKS Europe becomes more urgent and important. As always, we believe in a just peace based on agreed frameworks and rule of law, which is why we consider the struggle currently being waged by the Ukrainian people in defence of their country to be legitimate.
The LINKS network has a long history of engagement in the post-Soviet South Caucasus. We have developed expertise in both analysing the region, and in deploying our tools of dialogue and confidence-building to help address problems and challenges. We have learned to avoid simplistic assessments and solutions to the region’s complex problems. Peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan remains elusive, and the political situation in Georgia is fragile, and things are likely to get worse, before they get better.
We are pleased to be part of a Consortium, led by Conciliation Resources, that is implementing the new EU4Peace III programme that is funded and supported by the European Union. This collaborative action is unique for its scale and diversity. In 2025, we look forward to working together with the other partners for its success.
In 2025, we will launch a series of thematic dialogues, with the participation of a new generation of thinkers and activists. We aim to involve up to one hundred Armenians and Azerbaijanis in this initiative. In parallel, LINKS Europe will build on the past work and launch in a separate but mutually re-enforcing initiative, the Armenian-Azerbaijani Political Dialogue Platform, made up of seasoned experts and activists.
We will support the democratic forces in Georgia, including through our online news outlets. When the time is right, we will launch the Georgia Contact Group to contribute towards Georgia's European aspirations.
We remain committed to work for a landmine free South Caucasus. We are disappointed that the governments of the three South Caucasus countries have not risen to the occasion and adopt the Ottawa Convention on banning landmines. We are also disappointed that funders have been inconsistent in supporting the work of those advocating a landmine free South Caucasus. LINKS Europe remains committed to this objective, including through its online publication "The South Caucasus Landmine Observer".
In 2024, we worked hard to promote the linkage between climate change and peace and security. We are pleased that we could produce three reports that make a valid contribution to the global discussion. We will work hard to disseminate these reports and to engage on this issue.
Peace is meaningless unless it is based on justice. Radicalisation often breeds where in justice is rampant. Through our work, we will support the rule of law; peace based on justice, and the eradication of radicalisation and its root causes. In this work, we will focus particularly on Ukraine, Georgia and Yemen.
Our "Concise" newsletters are making a useful contribution towards understanding two regions that are neighbours of the European Union, and are important for its security and prosperity. In the second half of 2025, we will organise, at a venue in Europe, a round table discussion on Central Asia.
For nearly 15 years, our flagship website,, has provided a space for debate and analysis on topics and countries that are often ignored by the mainstream media. We will continue doing so in 2025.
Our newsletters in the “Concise” series: Arabia Concise, Central Asia Concise and South Caucasus Concise have thousands of subscribers. They continue to be published and circulated free of charge, Our dynamic team work hard to deliver the newsletters on time to our readers and subscribers on time.
LINKS Europe is, first and foremost, a network. Our partners, associates and contributors all over the world give the organisation its strength. Our small core-team based in The Hague works far beyond the call of duty. Together, they make LINKS Europe something special that is committed to doing good.